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„Global Peace Festival“ in Paraguay


Dienstag, 29. Juli 2008, 19.00 Uhr


Veranstaltung im Rahmen des Projekts „Youth for Peace“


Bericht von Pascal Haider, Koordinator für Österreich - Global Peace Festival:

“Youth Leaders” Konferenz, Service Projekte, Festival, Österreicher in Asunción.

Brasilienrundreise: Iguazu - Wasserfälle, Curitiba, Sao Paulo, Fussballklub in Sorocaba, Rio de Janeiro. 



Asunción, Paraguay - An energetic crowd of 25,000 was packed into Asunción’s historic Club Olimpia Stadium. Jose Luis Chilavert, the extroverted soccer hero who scored more than 60 goals for Paraguay in international competition despite being a goalkeeper, welcomed the international delegates. “We’re proud of being Paraguayan,” Chilavert said, “but we’re even prouder that you have come here to our country to kickoff the Global Peace Festival (GPF) for 2008.”


The crowd burst into rowdy and prolonged cheers at the Global Peace Festival as Founder Dr. Hyun Jin Moon told them “Before we are Paraguayans, or Americans, or Koreans; before we are Christian, Muslim or Jew, we must understand our fundamental identity as the sons and daughters of God. We must look beyond our differences to the things that unite us and can bind us together.


The Paraguay GPF was the first of 17 planned throughout the world in 2008.


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