
The Universal Peace Federation in Austria is inviting you to a lecture evening on the topic


Religious Pluralism in India


Thursday, September 24th 2020, 18:30


Location: Seidengasse 28 c/o Föderation für Weltfrieden, 1070 Wien


Bild könnte enthalten: 1 Person


Speaker: Dr. Sury Suryanarayanan


Dr. Sury Suryanarayanan has been involved in the field of peace studies for more than four decades. Having learnt the way of experiential peace, he had been actively involved in peace education for the „Words of Peace Global organisation“ and the „Prem Rawat Foundation“. He has presented his message in the environment of universities and other educational institutions, at peace events and at specially organized seminars. This has taken him to more than 40 countries. Born in India, he later settled down in Canada where he got his doctorate degree in electrical engineering and worked as a research engineer in the field of communications before delving deeply into Peace Studies. Now he lives in Vienna.


Since the ancient times, people of the Indian sub-continent were searching for the meaning of life, and what life itself was. Many great men emerged and guided their students to various paths towards reaching the Ultimate. Later, people started calling them followers of this or that 'religion', and there was a lot of interactions and exchanges. These religions are non-proselytizing, i.e., they do not attempt to convert one from one's own religion to their religion. Individuals are largely left to themselves to choose.

In the presentation, various religions in India from time immemorial will be talked about, both the indigenous religions and the ones which came from other areas. How, left to themselves, they had lived in an inclusive manner will be shown. Various examples running up to the current time will also be presented.“ 


Because of Covid-19 regulations registration is obligatory at info@weltfriede.at. Please send us your first and last name.