play a central role in nations throughout the world, representing the people,
respecting the rule of law, and upholding human rights; in effect,
parliamentarians work to build safe, secure, stable and peaceful societies.
The “International Association of Parliamentarians
for Peace” has been launched as a worldwide association of parliamentarians
which provides a forum to bring their experience and wisdom to bear in the
search for solutions to our world’s problems. Parliamentarians from around
the world have offered their remarks on the importance of their work and
the value of increased cooperation and collaboration in the search for
innovative solutions to some of the critical issues that we face on the
local, national, regional and global levels, from climate change to the
rise of extremist ideologies to humanitarian disasters and conflict.
Interfaith Peacebuilding

age of globalization needs enlightened leaders in each faith who can
examine their sacred writings and traditions and identify the aspects that
can benefit all humanity as well as those that preserve each religion's
identity. UPF calls on people of faith to honor
the Divine indwelling in a way that encourages understanding, respect, and
cooperation among people of all faiths for the well-being of our
communities and peace in the world.
Peace and Security

UPF acknowledges the need for
careful and proportionate use of power, including political, economic,
military and civil society power to sustain lasting peace. However, we
strongly emphasize "soft power" solutions as essential to
peacebuilding. A leading exponent of “track two” diplomacy, UPF emphasizes
the role and responsibility of religious and spiritual leaders to transcend
historical self-interest and pursue the ideal of “One family under God.”
Goal: Increase dialogue and understanding
between parties in conflict
Consultations among scholars, diplomats, government officials, civil
society representatives, and religious leaders; people-to-people diplomacy
United Nations Relations

is an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the United Nations Economic
and Social Council (ECOSOC). The Universal Peace Federation promotes:
- Interfaith understanding
- Sustainable development
- Marriage and family
- Mediation of conflict
- Women's empowerment
- Revitalization of the UN
Marriage and Family

Much of the success and fulfillment in life depends on creating healthy
relationships, yet this is one of the most challenging tasks. Through the
marriage and family movement, many educational programs and approaches have
been developed to give people the knowledge and skills for creating
successful relationships. See UPF's Statement on Families.
Peace Education & Human

UPF's seminars and leadership
conferences focus on the urgent need for new vision and leadership based on
core values and universal principles of peacebuilding.
UPF advocates the incorporation of
character education and peace education in schools. Its Discovering the Real Me
comprehensive character education curriculum consists of easy-to-follow
textbooks and teacher manuals.
Youth and Service

One of UPF's core principles is
living for the sake of others. UPF promotes this through a variety of
experiential-learning activities that cultivate good character, build
friendships among diverse people, mentor young leaders, teach good
sportsmanship and alleviate suffering.