Interreligious Understanding
The Only Solution is a Just Peace
The Challenges of
"Tikkun Olam"
Building Bridges to Bethlehem
13 palästinensische Jugendliche aus Bethlehem
verbrachten die ersten zwei Wochen im Juli 2007 in Österreich. Das Projekt
entstand aus einer Kooperation der Organisationen „Service for Peace“, Föderation
für Weltfrieden und Österreichische Frauenföderation mit der Unterstützung
der palästinensischen Gemeinde.
“Peace,Shaloam, Salaam Alaikum” at the
United Nations
good salvaged from the horrors of World War II is Pax Christi
International, The Peace of Christ, a Catholic peace movement founded by a
French Catholic woman, Marie-Marthe Dortel Claudot, in the months after the
war ended.

United Nations
Missions Briefed on Middle East Peace Initiative
The UPF took the opportunity to brief representatives from 22 missions
about its work in the Middle East and around the world.The Kenyan
Ambassador to the United Nations, H.E. Mr. Zachary Muburi-Muita spoke
movingly of his experiences during the recent MEPI.

Cracking the Walls of
Hate and Fear
We can break this endless cycle of revenge,
retaliation and punishment, the only way to do it is to listen to the pain
of the other,” said Rami Elhanan, an Israeli Jew whose fourteen-year-old
daughter was killed in a suicide attack in Jerusalem.
MEPI, Tel Aviv
Conference, February 11th 2007
Ambassadors for Peace from 12 Eastern and Western
European nations converged in Israel for the February Middle East
Peace Initiative in a very diverse and accomplished group of 34, including
ministers, professors, parliamentarians, the head of an NGO, human rights
activists and journalists.
Visit to AL-TARIQ The
Way, Ramallah, 21st October 2006
During the
latest Middle East Peace Inititiative the group from Europe
received a presentation on the hopeful work of Al-Tariq, The Palestinian
Institution for Development and Democracy.

August 2006
MEPI: May 18-25th 2006
Middle East Peace
Initiative - Europe

Es gibt etwas anderes als Krieg und Gewalt
(9.-16. Juli 2006)
Palästinensische Jugendliche aus Ost-Jerusalem trafen sich vom in einem
Sommercamp mit Mitgliedern der öst. Jugendgruppe HARP.
Projekt baut Brücken zwischen Österreich und Palästina
summer camp brings Jerusalemites, Austrian youth together

second Jewish-Christian Dialogue of the Middle East Peace Initiative (MEPI)
of the Universal Peace Federation took place from May 17-18, 2006 in the
beautiful Olive Tree Hotel, 10 minutes from the Damascus gate of Old
Jerusalem city.

Jerusalem - March
2006: Middle East Peace Symposium
before our visit a crisis emerged in Jericho. Despite being the very people
being sought as hostages Ambassadors for Peace showed their courage and
came to Jerusalem and continued with their tour.

Middle East Peace Initiative (MEPI): May 10-16, 2005
A conference entitled, 'Innovative Approaches to Lasting Peace and Stability
in the Middle East,' included delegates from the former World War II
enemies America, Germany, Italy, France, England, Korea, China, Japan and
several other European countries..
177 Leaders, Clergy from 27
Countries Confer on Interfaith Peace in Jerusalem

Role of Jordan: Realizing Enduring Peace in the Middle East: March 30 -
April 2, 2005
Conference The
Jordan Declaration

Middle East Peace Initiative - Sept 2004
The "World Peace Pilgrimage" in September 2004 in Jerusalem was a major
initiative of MEPI that has involved people of all professional fields
including religion, politics, media, academia, business and civil society
from over 147 nations.

Building Trust With
Religious Leaders in The Holy Land
To make peace, the most
serious task is to bring understanding and dialogue among religious leaders
of all faiths.
From vengeance against Jews to
Islamic-Judaic harmony

Heart to Heart for the Peace in the Middle East, December 22 2003: Religious, political, NGOs, students and other
social representatives from 50 nations of the world, with Israeli and
Palestine citizens around 10000 people, gathered at Independence Park in
Jerusalem for "Peace Rally" on December 22, 2003.

September 2003: 500 Jewish, Moslem and Christian religious leaders
march hand in hand in first-time-ever Interreligious Peace March in
Friedensmarsch von Juden, Christen und Muslimen zu den heiligen Stätten in