



10 Years UPF Worldwide and in Austria


In order to honor 10 years of UPF work internationally and in Austria, a meeting of Austrian members oft he Universal Peace Federation (UPF) and Peace Ambassadors was organized in Villa Riehl in Seebenstein, a beautiful location in the south of Vienna. UPF was founded on September 12, 2005 in New York. Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon held the Inaugurational Speeech at the Alice Tully Hall in Lincoln Center in New York with 376 Delegates of 157 nations being present. His topic was:“God’s Ideal Family- the Model for World Peace“.






Mr. Peter Haider reported about the activities of UPF in Austria over the last 10 years: Interreligious encounters, cultural performances and political discussions relating to countries and peoples around the globe.  More than 300 events have been held, small and bigup to 200 people attending conferences organized at the Vienna International Centre (United Nations).


Mr. Jaques Marion, General Secretary of UPF-Europe gave an extensive report about the World Summit 2015 in Korea, and the then introduced the founder’s vision for UPF and finally spoke about future projects and the continuation of the Europe-Eurasia dialogue which had started in 2012.


Mag. Maria Pammer reported about an impressive project with young Palestinians, which she has organized with the help of her son, Bogdan Pammer and in cooperation with local friends around the town of Steyr, a twin town of Bethlehem.


Mrs. Elisabeth Cook spoke about her experience in organizing yearly conferences on the „International Day of Familiesand about attending „European and International Leadership“ seminars with Peace Ambassadors in Austria and abroad.


Ms. Joana Peirera brought the young spirit of Youth-UPF, which gave us a lot of hope for the future.






Dr. Leo Gabriel spoke about the initiative „Peace in Syriaand his recent visit of the Kurdish area there. Peace Ambassador Abdul Kadir Bekri Hamdan from the Horn of Africa News Agency, also working as a diplomat from Eritrea, spoke with high appreciation of the magic of UPF and its peace building capacity, hoping that the states belonging to the „Horn of Africacan utilize UPF for their peace building process.





FinallyAmbassadors for Peaceawards were handed over to Mr. Triloki N. Ahuja and Prince Augustin Pallikunnel, who are coming from a Hindu respectively a Christian background. Both were born in India and contibuted to the development of the work of Civil society NGOs in Austria.

The meeting which had started in the afternoon finished with dinner, which turned into a garden barbecue party, as the weather was still beautiful and warm.

All together 80 people attended.



10 Years – a Picture per Year:



The UN at 70: Resolution of Tensions on the Korean Peninsula (Mai 2015)

https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/16627_10152025539574615_1586571789_n.jpg?oh=55096efd6f59a90c28c9baf533da1419&oe=56711247The Role of Religions in promoting a Culture of Peace (Februar 2014)

https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/969886_10151566970604615_1120017330_n.jpg?oh=56a6b04c4832cf33ecb484d2f5580d9b&oe=566612C1Culture and Creative Economy as basic elements for sustainable development and prosperity (July 2013)



Europe and Russia - Partners in a globalized World (Oktober 2012)

https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/285013_10150243873049615_1249159_n.jpg?oh=40dd812092346ee1de58fea56fd4d6b5&oe=5665272ECommunicating Change: Youth Perspectives on Peace (Juli 2011)

http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-gMO1uJD-FKc/S4Kk8NIfVYI/AAAAAAAAO60/V-6cdxipyx4/s912-Ic42/DSCF0107.JPGWorld Peace Blessing (Februar 2010)



Reconciliation and the Role of Global Peace Festivals (April 2009)

https://scontent-vie1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/164777_474778484614_3641809_n.jpg?oh=2d1f1a50ee5afcc118fb5403cdad5933&oe=5672651EMongol Costumes – Fashion Show (November 2008)


Building Bridges to Bethlehem (Juli 2007)


http://www.weltfriede.at/sfp35.jpgSoccer Balls for Peace (Juni 2006)

http://www.weltfriede.at/upf-a030.jpg Gründungsfeier der UPF (Dezember 2005)


IIPC - Inaugural Assembly in Vienna (Juni 2004)


http://www.weltfriede.at/UPF-Austria-InterrelCouncilUN-Dateien/image007.jpgTowards an Interreligious Council in the UN (August 2003)

http://www.weltfriede.at/israel3.jpgMiddle East Peace Initiative (seit 2003)

http://www.weltfriede.at/5histor.jpgInaugurationsfeier (März 2000)




Die Universal Peace Federation feierte in Österreich den 10. Geburtstag am 12. September 2015 in der Villa Riehl in Seebenstein. Bericht von mehr als 10 Jahren  aufregender Arbeit für den Frieden von Peter Haider und Mag. Elisabeth Cook. Friedensbotschafter/innen berichteten von Projekten in Österreich und auch von internationalen Initiativen wie jene für Eritrea. Jacques Marion, Generalsekretär der UPF in Europa berichtete vom World Summit 2015 in Korea, stellte kurz die Vision des Gründers vor und sprach über geplante Projekte wie die Weiterführung des seit 2012 laufenden Dialogs Europe-Eurasia. Herr Triloki N. Ahuja und Prince Augustin Pallikunnel wurden zu „Ambassadors for Peace“ ernannt. Die Feier endete mit einer Grillparty.



Die „Universal Peace Federation“ wurde am 12. September 2005 in New York aus der Taufe gehoben während die UNO ihren 60. Geburtstage feierte. In der Alice Tully Hall im Lincoln Center in New York City sprach Reverend Dr. Sun Myung Moon in seiner Gründungsansprache der “Universal Peace Federation”, vor 376 Delegierten aus 157 Nationen zum Thema: Gottes ideale Familie – Modell für den Weltfrieden. Das vergangene Jahrhundert sei “eine Periode sich aneinander reihender kolonialer Auseinandersetzungen und Kriege gewesen” sagte er. “Ich betete immer, dass die Vereinten Nationen zu einer Institution des Friedens werden und Gottes Willen, nämlich die Verwirklichung einer Welt ewigen Friedens, erfüllen können.“

Dr. Moon's Ansprache war der Auftakt zu einer weltweiten Tour, die den 85-jährigen in den nächsten drei Monaten in 100 Städte auf allen Erdteilen führen wird, um diese Botschaft zu verbreiten.