| Coalition of Faith-Based Organizations in Grace Cathedral, San Francisco San Francisco, United States - The Spirituality and Justice Initiative of the Coalition of Faith-Based Organizations organized two side-meetings to the annual conference of the American Society of Criminology. Building on the momentum of previous meetings held in Vienna, Austria, the coalition hosted a working group meeting at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis hotel on November 12, 2019, and an interfaith program at the historic Grace Cathedral the following day. weiter...
 | Southeast Europe Summit explores Peace and Development Tirana, Albania - Participants from over 50 nations attended the Southeast Europe Peace Summit organized by UPF. The summit, held from October 25 to 27 2019, featured a wide range of activities, which were introduced to the media by former Albanian president H.E. Alfred Moisiu, former US Ambassador to the Balkans Christopher Hill and Summit Secretary General Gani Rroshi. Three main events were held at the 3000 seat Tirana Congress Hall. weiter...
 | Interreligiöses Frühstück Die "Föderation für Weltfrieden" lud am 19. Oktober 2019 gemeinsam mit der "Familienföderation für Weltfrieden" zu einem interreligiösen Frühstück mit dem Thema "Das Zusammenwirken der Religionen im 21. Jahrhundert" ein. Mehr denn je sind wir heute herausgefordert, Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen Religionen und Kulturen zu finden. weiter...
 | Spiritualität und Justiz - Kooperationsfelder? Am 7. Oktober 2019 wurde in Wien eine neue interreligiöse Plattform, die "Coalition of Faith based Organizations" gegründet, die sich in die UNO einbringen und die Rolle der Religionen in der UNO zur Geltung bringen will. Zu Beginn der abendlichen Veranstaltung mit dem Thema "Spiritualität und Justiz - Kooperationsfelder?", bei der über 100 Personen teilnahmen, fasste der österreichische Diplomat Martin Pammer, im Aussenministerium für den Dialog der Kulturen verantwortlich, in seinem Statement den Grundtenor der neuen Initiative zusammen: Religion müsse Teil der Lösung von Konflikten sein und nicht das eigentliche Problem. weiter...
 | Spirituality and Justice Initiative The UN Office of Drugs and Crime on October 7th 2019 hosted a day long event on "Spirituality and Justice" about collaboration with Faith based Organizations (FBOs) at the Vienna International Centre (United Nations) and elswhere. It was opened by the UNODC Director of Policy Analysis and Public Affairs, Dr. Jean Luc LeMahieu and the Permanent Representative of Spain Ambassador Senen Floresa. Representatives from Austria, Russia, Belarus, Canada, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Eritrea, Jordan, Lebanon, and Morocco also attended the four sessions. A list of potential topics for discussion was prepared by the Civil Society Team of UNODC. weiter...
 | International Day of Peace - Reflecting on a "Peace Road" trip to Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia On September 29th, 2019 UPF Austria observed the International Day of Peace by holding an interreligious service reflecting on a "Peace Road" trip to Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia which had been undertaken a few weeks before. All the participants of the journey were invited, as well as the members of the Vienna Family Federation. weiter...
 | Narrative der Hoffnung: Das urbane Phänomen - Zukunft einer unendlichen Geschichte (Freitag, 27.9.2019 um 19 Uhr, Seidengasse 28 im Hof rechts, 1070 Wien) In Zeiten großer Veränderungen wird eine immaterielle Ressource zum entscheidenden Faktor für die Weiterentwicklung gesellschaftlicher Systeme: Die Hoffnung. Mit dieser These möchte Stadtforscher Ian Banerjee das Publikum auf eine Reise mitnehmen. weiter...
 | PEACE ROAD - A Peace Trip to Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina
Short film (6.-10. September 2019: Wien - Zagreb - Orasje - Belgrad - Srebrenica - Sarajevo - Bihac - Wien) Ziel: Frieden, Versöhnung, Kulturaustausch, Freundschaft und Gerechtigkeit. Organisation: Frauenforum Mimosen, Universal Peace Federation, Frauenföderation für Weltfrieden. weiter...
 | The ancient science of Kriya Yoga On 4th September 2019 UPF Austria was delighted to host Paramahamsa Prajnanananda for an informative lecture on "The ancient science of Kriya Yoga" which was attended by 100 guests. weiter...
 | Seoul Conference on "Interdependence, Mutual Prosperity and Universal Values" Seoul, South Korea - More than 300 international participants from 60 nations met from August 15 to 18, 2019 convened for an international conference sponsored by UPF. In addition, delegates were invited to attend a special event to commemorate the seventh anniversary of the passing of UPF co-founder Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon. weiter...
 | New World Encyclopedia: Research begins here.
 | UPF Delegation meets with Pope Francis at Vatican Vatican City - A delegation from UPF International had a private meeting with His Holiness Pope Francis at the pope's office in the Vatican. The delegation consisted of Dr. Thomas G. Walsh, the chair of UPF International, Dr. Tageldin Hamad, vice president of UPF International, and H.E. Hisham Badr, the ambassador of Egypt to Italy and the president of the World Food Programme Executive Board. The thirty-minute meeting took place on July 1, 2019, in the pope's office around a simple desk with His Holiness, the UPF delegates, and an interpreter. weiter...
 | Youth & Students for Peace (YSP) - What can I do for peace? On June 26 2019 YSP Austria organized the first Information and discussion evening about YSP in Vienna, which took place in the office of IAPD Europe that is connected to Peace Museum Vienna. The topic we set for this event was: "What can I do for Peace?" weiter...
Peace Starts with Me - Vienna Youth Assembly
 | Economic Potentials and Opportunities in Afghanistan The Austria-Afghanistan Society in cooperation with UPF and VIDC organized a panel discussion: In times of protracted crises, armed conflicts, deteriorating security and peace talks in Afghanistan, this panel discussion focused on an underestimated, but very important topic: The economy crisis in Afghanistan that has severe implications for the population and is directly related to human security. In this context, the panelists were not only focusing on the big economic picture, but in particular on potentials and opportunities for the population, exploring bottom-up approaches, alternative livelihoods, remittances and how to make a living with small businesses. weiter...
 | Peace Road 2019 - Gemeinsam ein Zeichen setzen auf einer Sternfahrt im Ennstal Zum dritten Mal konnte am 22. Juni 2019 UPF OÖ in Kooperation mit den drei Gemeinden St. Ulrich bei Steyr, Ternberg und Reichraming und deren politischen Vertretern den Peace Road organisieren und durchführen, diesmal als Sternfahrt und von zwei Orten gleichzeitig gestartet. Eine Gruppe sammelte sich vor dem Friedensdenkmal in St. Ulrich, die zweite Gruppe vor der Friedensbrücke in Reichraming. weiter...
 | Aura-Lesung mit Rael Godoy aus Brasilien Am 14. Juni 2019 war Rael Godoy, ein Aura-Lesung-Therapeut aus der Inkiri Piracanga-Gemeinschaft im brasilianischen Atlantikwald, bei der Universal Peace Federation zu Gast in Wien. Er berichtete über seinen Lebensweg, der in nach einem Studium der Internationale Entwicklung in Wien über ein Musikstudium in Brasilien in dieses Ökodorf führte, wo er jetzt als Musiker und Therapeut arbeitet, um Werkzeuge und Lebensstiländerungen mitzuteilen, die uns zur Entdeckung unserer Lebensziele ermächtigen. weiter...
 | Horn of Africa & Middle East - Perspectives for Peace and Development On 12. Juni 2019 UPF Austria organized a roundtable discussion in the IAPD office which is connected to Peace Museum Vienna on the topic "Horn of Africa & Middle East - Perspectives for Peace and Development". The main speaker was Mr. Hashem Mandee, a Iraq-born journalist, who worked as an editor at Radio Free Iraq / Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty in Prague. Then he moved to the USA and worked there for Alhurra TV and Radio Sawa in Virginia, USA as a Broadcaster. weiter...
 | Building a Peaceful and Prosperous Africa Centered on Universal Values Johannesburg, South Africa - The Africa Summit and Leadership Conference 2019 convened June 7 and 8, 2019, at the Hilton Sandton Hotel under the theme "Building a Peaceful and Prosperous Africa Centered on Universal Values." More than 450 participants representing 60 nations, including many former heads of state and government, parliamentarians and religious leaders from all faith traditions, attended the event. weiter...
 | Österreichisch-Bosnisch-Herzegowinischer Kulturabend Am 7. Juni 2019 lud das Frauenforum "Mimosen" gemeinsam mit UPF Austria und der Frauenföderation für Weltfrieden zu einem Österreichisch-Bosnisch-Herzegowinischer Kulturabend unter dem Motto "Begegnung durch Kunst und Musik - Susret kroz umjetnost i muziku" ein. Es war eine gelungene Veranstaltung mit mehr als 150 Gästen, die sich sichtlich wohlgefühlt haben und ein facettenreiches Programm geboten bekamen. weiter...
 | Inauguration of the UPF Chapter in Burgenland, the most Eastern federal state of Austria On June 5th 2019 a local chapter of UPF-Austria was inaugurated in Parndorf, a small town in the eastern part of Austria, Burgenland. Johann and Yoon Ja Rechberger, who had moved to Parndorf 18 years ago, built a stable foundation with the local community by developing a Nordic Walking club and involving themselves in the local political work. The inauguration of UPF was supported by several local city counsellors, members of the Nordic Walking Club and other clubs of the town. weiter...
 | International Day of Families 2019 - Vienna Celebration On the occasion of the "International Day of Families" the Universal Peace Federation, the Women's Federation for World Peace and the Austrian Family Federation for World Peace organized on May 17th 2019 in Vienna a conference on the topic "Family as the Basis of a Sustainable Future", which was attended by 50 guests. weiter...
 | Vesakh - Gedenktag an Geburt, Erleuchtung und Tod des Buddha (Mittwoch, 29. Mai 2019 um 18:30, Blutgasse 3, 1010 Wien, c/o Peace Museum Vienna) Referent: Gerhard Weißgrab, Präsident der Österr. Buddhistischen Religionsgesellschaft. weiter...
 | Perspectives for Sustainable Peace and Development in the Horn of Africa On March 20th 2019, at the Vienna International Center (UN) in Vienna, UPF co-sponsored a conference on Peace and Development in the Horn of Africa, which was organized by the permanent mission of Eritrea to the UN in Vienna. 200 guests attended the event. The conference was organized on the foundation of the dramatic change that took place in the Horn of Africa, when the leaders of Ethiopia and Eritrea, on July 9th 2018, signed a declaration ending the state of war between the two countries. weiter...
30-Jähriges Jubiläum - 30th Anniversary - HORN OF AFRICA NEWS AGENCY
 | 100th anniversary of the Korean Independence Movement and reports on the World Summit 2019 in Seoul 70 guests attended on March 7th 2019 an evening organized by UPF-Austria in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Korean Independence Movement. Additionally there were reports about the World Summit 2019 in Seoul. weiter...
Koreanische Unabhängigkeisbewegung vom 1. März 2019
 | World Summit 2019 in Seoul, Korea - Inauguration of the International Summit Council for Peace UPF World Summit 2019 on "Peace, Security and Human Development" was held from February 8 to 11 in Seoul, South Korea. 1200 participants including 40 current and former heads of state and government from 110 nations attended. weiter...
World Summit 2019 Discusses Korean Reunification Hon. Lee Nak Yon, prime minister, Republic of Korea spoke about the relations between ROK and North Korea since the Olympic Games, including the Inter-Korean summits, the North Korea-U.S. Singapore Summit in June and the upcoming summit in Vietnam. weiter...
 | World Summit 2019: Sunhak Peace Prize Award Ceremony This year, the prize was awarded based on the theme "Peace and Human Development in Africa". Laureate Dr. Akinwumi Adesina, president of the African Development Bank, has promoted a vision of good governance for African nations. Laureate Waris Dirie has improved the rights of millions of girls and women by leading a campaign to eradicate the tragic act of female genital mutilation. weiter...
 | Kalmyk Cultural Evening Am 28. Februar 2019 folgten an die 100 Gäste einer Einladung der Föderation für Weltfrieden, die gemeinsam mit dem Kulturverein KultEurasia eine kalmykischen Abend veranstaltete. Kalmykien liegt im europäischen Teil Russlands an der Nordwestküste des Kaspischen Meeres und besteht hauptsächlich aus Steppe. Die Kalmücken sind das einzige buddhistische, mongolisch sprachige Volk innerhalb der geografischen Grenzen Europas. weiter...
 | World Interfaith Harmony Week: Migration and Interreligious Understanding in the Age of Globalization Vienna International Centre (UN Building), Austria - 200 guests attendend on February 1st 2019 a conference on the theme "Migration and Interreligious Understanding in the Age of Globalization" commemorating the The World Interfaith Harmony Week, which was first proposed at the UN General Assembly in 2010 by H.M. King Abdullah II of Jordan. It was unanimously adopted by the UN and is henceforth observed annually during the the first week of February. weiter...
One Book For Peace An initiative by the Interreligious Council in Bosnia & Herzegovina created with the help of renowned journalist Mirnes Kovac and two theologians. weiter...
 | World Interfaith Harmony Week Annual UN Observance Week: Feb. 1-7. UPF Austria celebrated the World Interfaith Harmony Week for several years in the Vienna International Centre (United Nations). weiter...
2017: Toward Peace and Reconciliation in Conflict Zones - The Role of Religions
2016: Toward Peace and Reconciliation in Syria and the Middle East - The Role of Religions
2015: The Importance of Interfaith Cooperation for Securing Peace in the 21st Century
2014: The Role of Religions in promoting a Culture of Peace
 | Konferenz zum Thema Afghanistan: Wer sind die Hazara? 150 Gäste kamen auf Einladung von Hazara World und der Universal Peace Federation Austria am 15.1. 2019 zu einer Konferenz mit dem Thema "Afghanistan: Wer sind die Hazara?". Es sprachen Experten, die aus verschiedenen europäischen Ländern angereist waren. weiter...
 | 'Peace Starts with Me'-Weihnachtsfeier mit Rückblick auf 2018 Mehr als 100 Gäste folgten am Sonntagnachmittag des 16. Dezember 2018 einer Einladung der Föderation für Weltfrieden - UPF Austria zur "Peace Starts with Me"-Weihnachtsfeier mit Rückblick auf die Aktivitäten im Jahre 2018. Mit dem Ensemble Cindrak (Akkordeon und Geige) und dem Vienna Peace Choir. weiter...
 | UPF Holds Human Rights Conference in European Parliament Strasbourg, France - To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the historic Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Universal Peace Federation convened in the European Parliament on December 12, 2018, two panels of eminent scholars, human rights activists and practitioners to consider the theme "Europe and the Future of Human Rights." weiter...
 | Asia Pacific Summit Convenes in Nepal Kathmandu, Nepal - The first UPF Asia Pacific Summit 2018 was held in Kathmandu, Nepal from November 30 to December 3, 2018 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel. The theme of the summit was "Addressing the Critical Challenges of Our Time: Interdependence, Mutual Prosperity and Universal Values." This was the seventh and concluding in a summit series which started in January in Senegal (West Africa) and has been held in various regions of the world throughout the year. weiter...
 | Africa Summit: Honoring the Legacy of President Nelson Mandela Cape Town, South Africa - On November 21 through 24, 2018, the international conference on "Peace and Human Development in Africa" hosted by UPF and the Royal House of Mandela, took place at the International Convention Center. The summit provided a platform to honor the legacy of President Nelson Mandela during this centennial celebration year (1918-2018) and to exchange views on current critical issues. Attending were 700 participants from throughout Africa, including former heads of state, government ministers, speakers and members of parliament, religious leaders and prominent traditional rulers. weiter...
 | Africa Interactive - Connecting to Africa's Past via Smart Media To use state of the art technology to gather, aggregate, and disseminate compact information pertinent to the preservation of Africa's vast cultural heritage - from Africa and around the world - and to make this information accessible via smart media to young Africans and all of us. weiter...
High-Level Forum Africa-Europe: "Taking cooperation to the digital age"
 | UPF at the First World Tolerance Summit Dubai, United Arab Emirates - A UPF delegation of six attended the first World Tolerance Summit, which took place from November 16 to 18, 2018 in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates. weiter...
Embracing Diversity through Innovation and Collaboration The World Tolerance Summit hosted government leaders, private sector leaders, experts, social leaders and social influencers to promote peace and tolerance. weiter...
 | Interreligiöser "Runder Tisch": Die Orientalisch-Orthodoxen Kirchen (Mittwoch, 28. 11. 2018, 18:30 Uhr, Blutgasse 3, 1010 Wien, c/o Peace Museum Vienna) Referent: Dr. Emanuel Aydin, Chorepiskopos der syrisch-orthodoxen Kirche in Österreich spricht zum Thema "Die Orientalisch-Orthodoxen Kirchen - insbesondere die Syrisch-Orthodoxe Kirche: Geschichte, Lehre, die Situation in ihrer Heimat und in Österreich" - eine Veranstaltung im Rahmen der "Interreligious Association for Peace and Development". weiter...
Interreligious Association for Peace and Development for Europe and the Middle East
 | Religious thinkers discuss "Overcoming Division, Building Unity" New York, United States - Under the banner of "Overcoming Division, Building Unity" close to 300 clergy and lawmakers from 28 nations convened at the iconic New Yorker Hotel on November 10 to 12, 2018, to mull paths to reconciliation. weiter...
The Catholic Church and Interfaith Dialogue
 | Das Einstein Enigma - Spiritualität, Wissenschaft und ein mysteriöses Manuskript Am 5. 11. 2018 fand in der Aula am Campus der Uni Wien ein Live-Vortrag mit J.R. Dos Santos, dem Autor des Weltbestsellers "Das Einstein Enigma" statt. Es ist ein Roman um die Entstehung und Zukunft des Universums, der Unterhaltung mit der Welt der Astrophysik und einem geheimnisvollen Manuskript verbindet. weiter...
Das Einstein Enigma ist ein Roman um die Entstehung und Zukunft des Universums
 | Interreligious Association for Peace and Development inaugurated in Ukraine Kviv, Ukraine - The Ukrainian chapter of IAPD was inaugurated during a conference titled "Toward Interdependence and Mutual Prosperity: The Role of Public, Youth and Spiritual Leaders." More than 300 people attended the conference, which was held on October 19, 2018, in the assembly hall of the National Pedagogical Drahomanov University. The event was organized jointly by UPF-Ukraine and the Ukrainian Peace Council. weiter...
 | Musikalische Grüße von Moskau nach Wien UPF Austria lud am 4. November 2018 zu einem musikalischen Nachmittag ein, der von Elena Rozanova, einer in Wien lebenden russischen Geigerin und Olga Kiseleva, Präsidentin von "Artix-Fest", organisiert wird. Junge und arrivierte Künstler boten Russische Romanzen, Volkslieder, Wiener Musik und Klänge aus Russland. weiter...
 | UPF-Argentina participated in G20 Interfaith Forum Buenos Aires, Argentina - The G20 Interfaith Forum 2018 was held from September 26 to 28, 2018 in Buenos Aires in lead up to the G20 Summit, which will take place in Argentina's capital from November 30 to December 1. The theme of the fifth annual event was "Building Consensus for Fair and Sustainable Development: Religious Contributions for a Dignified Future." weiter...
G20 Interfaith Forum
 | Balkans Peace Road visits 7 Nations Tirana, Albania - The 2018 Balkans Peace Road brought a message of peace to a region that is still recovering from years of conflict. weiter...
Peace Road Balkans
 | Griechischer Kulturabend "Odysseus Time-travel in a Dream" An die 100 Gäste folgten am 19. Oktober 2018 einer Einladung der UPF Austria und der IDEA Society, die anlässlich des österreichischen Vorsitzes im Rat der Europäischen Union 2018 und unter Betracht des gelegten Schwerpunktes auf Migration gemeinsam einen griechischen Kulturabend veranstalteten. weiter...
IDEA Society
 | Peace Road im Ennstal - Für den FRIEDEN mit dem Rad auf dem WEG UPF Oberösterreich in Zusammenarbeit mit 3 Gemeinden und deren Bürgermeister beteiligte sich am 13. Oktober 2018 an dem weltweiten Projekt Peace Road mit einer Radtour von der Friedensbrücke vor dem Forstmuseum in Reichraming, das Ennstal heraus nach Ternberg bis zum Friedensdenkmal in St. Ulrich. weiter...
 | Peace Day Launch for IAPD Geneva/Swiss Chapter Geneva, Switzerland - The Geneva/Swiss chapter of the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development was inaugurated in the Ecumenical Center of Geneva. The launch took place during a conference held on September 21, 2018, by UPF in partnership with WFWP, as well as the Geneva Interfaith Intercultural Alliance and the Fribourg Peace Forum. On this 37th International Day of Peace, one could equally celebrate the 70 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 70 years of the World Council of Churches. weiter...
 | Horn of Africa Women's Forum & Vienna Peace Celebration event UPF Austria, Vienna, September 14. and 15. 2018 - Ethiopians and Eritreans alike are celebrating the breakneck speed of a rapprochement between Addis Ababa and Asmara, two longtime enemies. Closer ties between the two will usher in a new era of peace and prosperity for the Horn of Africa. weiter...
Embassy Media - "Horn of Africa Women Forum" Vienna 2018
 | Summit of Parliamentarians Held at the United Nations in New York New York, United States - UPF Vice President Dr. Tageldin Hamad chaired a high-level roundtable at the United Nations during a Summit of Parliamentarians. The summit, "On the Role of Parliaments for Promoting the Culture of Peace and Implementing the SDGs," was held on September 4, 2018. The Inter-Parliamentary Coalition for Global Ethics organized the event, which was co-sponsored by the Permanent Missions of Sri Lanka and Benin as well as UNESCO. weiter...
 | The Right to Peace - The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70 Each year the International Day of Peace is observed around the world on 21 September. The theme for 2018 is "The Right to Peace - The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 70". Sustainable Development Goal 16 "Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions" calls for promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, providing access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. weiter...
 | Filmabend: Behind Venice Luxury - A Hazara in Italy Am 8. September 2018 veranstalteten wir einen Filmabend über die Geschichte des Afghanen Ashraf Barati, dem es gelungen ist, sich in Europa zu etablieren, indem er ein erfolgreiches Restaurant in Italien aufbaute. Der Film ist in Italienisch und in Dari mit englischen Untertiteln. weiter...
Trailer zum Film
 | International Leadership Conference (ILC) in Seoul, Korea Seoul, Korea - The 32nd ILC organized by UPF brought together more than 300 leaders from over 80 nations. The ILC was held from August 26 to 29, 2018, under the theme "Addressing the Critical Challenges of Our Time: The Responsibility of Parliamentarians and Religious Leaders". Beginning with the reunification of the Korean Peninsula, issues included extremist ideologies and terrorism, religious conflicts, violence against women and children, human trafficking, drug trade, human rights violations, climate change, Middle East and the South China Sea. weiter...
 | Latin America Summit Includes Founder's Address and Peace Rally The Latin America Summit 2018 concluded on August 4, 2018, with a stadium speech by the UPF Co-founder and the signing of the Sao Paulo Declaration of Peace. weiter...
Presidents and Parliamentarians Address Latin America Summit
 | Sweden Holds Family Celebration and World Peace Awards Stockholm, Sweden - Members of the Swedish-Thai community took part in a UPF Family Celebration and a World Peace Awards ceremony. This event was envisioned by Buddhist Abbot Pramaha Boonthin, an UPF Ambassador for Peace, and organized jointly by the Swedish chapters of UPF and the Family Federation. The main event in the Family Celebration, which took place on June 30, 2018, in the Stockholm Courtyard Marriott Hotel, was the World Peace Blessing of 21 Swedish-Thai couples. weiter...
 | Perspectives for the Horn of Africa with a special Focus on Sudan Vienna, Austria, June 22nd 2018 - UPF Austria in cooperation with UNCAV - United Nation Correspondents Association and the "Horn of Africa" Peace Initiative organized an event celebrating "Africa Day", the annual commemoration of the foundation of the Organisation of African Unity, now known as the African Union on 25 May 1963. weiter...
 | Europe, Identity and Future - Literature, Music and the Struggle for Freedom Linz, Austria - In recognition of World Refugee Day, UPF held a literature concert that combined classical music with readings of the written word. The event titled "Europe - Identity and Future" took place on June 25, 2018, in the performance space of the Upper Austrian Culture Quarters. The texts were chosen and read by the actress Raina Mercedes Echerer. weiter...
 | Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD) in Geneva A consultation on creating a chapter of IAPD was held at the World Council of Churches offices in Geneva, Switzerland. The purpose of the half-day special meeting on May 31, 2018, was to discuss the background and reasons for the creation of such an organization. weiter...
 | Peace Road 2018: Carinthia-Italy-Slowenia The route was leading through the "Three Countries Corner". On June 9th, 2018 25 bikers and supporters from three countries started in Arnoldstein. The event had been planned and the route been decided about six months before the actual event, when members of UPF representing the three countries Austria, Slovenia and Italy met in Celje (SLO). The motto was: "Biking for Peace where our Great Grandfathers were fighting 100 years ago". weiter...
 | Africa Day Celebrated in New York City New York, United States - The Universal Peace Federation partnered with the African Union in celebrating the 55th Africa Day. The approximately 600 guests at the May 25, 2018 event at the Manhattan Center included ambassadors, UN officials, CEOs, dignitaries and celebrities. The theme was "Winning the Fight Against Corruption: A Sustainable Path to Africa's Transformation". weiter...
 | Pakistan's New Role between China and Europe - Opportunities and Challenges of China's Silk Road Projects Vienna, Austria, May 29th 2018 - The President of Azad Jammu and Kashmir H. E. Sardar Masood Khan said that the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is the flagship project and an offshoot of the Belt and Road Initiative, thereby any role Pakistan can or will play between Europe and China will be within the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative and China-Pakistan Economic Corridor combined. weiter...
 | Toward Interdependence and Mutual Prosperity: The Role of Religious Leaders and Parliamentarians UPF-Europe, Vienna - The Universal Peace Fedeation organized from April 28-29, 2018 in Parkhotel Schönbrunn an International Leadership Conference. Over 200 religious leaders, parliamentarians and NGO representatives from Europe including Russia, Middle East, Africa, United States, Japan, Korea and other Asian countries participated. weiter...
 | Interreligious Association for Peace and Development for Europe and the Middle East UPF-Europe, Vienna - The Inauguration of IAPD for Europe and the Middle East was an integral part of the ILC. It is time for humanity to embrace universally shared values, going beyond differences of ideology, race, nationality and religion, and pursue a path of mutual cooperation and mutual prosperity. weiter...
 | Statement zum Datenschutz
 | PEACE STARTS WITH ME - Peace & Family Festival of Dance, Music and Inspiration (April 29th 2018 - Wiener Stadthalle) Longfield Gospel Choir - Shadow Dance Attraction - Spark - Nevena Bozovic - Yolanda Adams, Inspiration: Hak-Ja Han Moon. The Peace & Family Festival brought together people from all over Europe and the Middle East. Through a celebration of arts, music and inspirational words the diversity and creative power of our generation was highlighted. Together we are creating a culture of peace. After all, "Peace starts with me." weiter...
PEACE STARTS WITH ME - 10 min Summary
 | Parliamentarians for Peace launched in Portugal Lisbon, Portugal - On April 13, 2018 the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP) was inaugurated in Portugal at a conference held in the national parliament. Approximately 100 parliamentarians and other dignitaries attended the conference, "Perspectives for Sustainable Peace in Europe and the World: The Responsibility of Parliamentarians." The Portuguese chapters of UPF and Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP) jointly organized the event. weiter...
 | Islam in Europa - Gedenkveranstaltung für Dr. Smail Balic (1920-2002) Die Föderation für Weltfrieden veranstaltete am 6. April 2018 im Gedenken an Dr. Smail Balic (1920-2002) ein Symposium mit dem Thema "Islam in Europa". Beitragende waren DI Siradj Duhan, Präsident der Gesellschaft Bosnischer Akademiker, OA Dr. Davud Bajramovic und Dr. Salim ef. Hadzic, islamischer Religionspädagoge. Smail Balic war ein österreichischer Kultur- und Religionswissenschaftler sowie Bibliothekar bosnischer Herkunft. Er plädierte für einen Islam, der die demokratischen und pluralistischen Gesellschaften Europas bereichern könnte. Jenseits des heute oft mit religiösem Fanatismus und politischem Radikalismus gleichgesetzten Islam zeichnete Balic das Bild einer toleranten, konsensfähigen und weltoffenen Religion. weiter...
 | Spirit of Optimism Evident at International Leadership Conference in Korea Seoul, Korea - More than 550 experts and officials from over 90 countries met at the 2018 UPF International Leadership Conference (ILC). Two UPF initiatives were featured during the conference: the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP) and the Interreligious Association for Peace and Development (IAPD). weiter...
 | Building a World of Lasting Peace: Interdependence, Mutual Prosperity and Universal Values On March 13th 2018 UPF Austria organized an evening with a report by Dr. Slawomir Redo from ACUNS Vienna, who participated in UPF International Leadership Conference 2018, which was held from February 18 to 21 in Seoul, Korea. weiter...
 | Parliamentarians from 70 countries hope that the 2018 Winter Olympics will help to resolve Korean North-South relations Seoul, Korea - International Leadership Conference: Beyond the Pyeongchang Olympic Games, the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo and the 2022 Winter Olympics in China will stimulate relations between the leaders and national parliaments of Korea, China and Japan, with a view to furthering the prosperity of Northeast Asia and the realization of world peace. weiter...
 | New Africa: Interdependence, Mutual Prosperity and Universal Values Report on the Africa Summit 2018 by Mr. Jacques Marion from Paris, France, Vice President, Universal Peace Federation Europe. With Africa's unique cultural heritage and rich human and natural resources, the summit's goal was to discuss the crucial issues of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universal values, and to search for solutions to common issues facing the continent's 1.7 billion inhabitants and 54 nations. weiter...
 | Africa Summit 2018 in Senegal Dakar, Senegal - Approximately 1200 participants, including heads of state and government from all the continent, attended the Africa Summit 2018, Jan. 18-19, 2018. weiter...
(afrique.tv5monde) Sommet africain pour la paix
 | Interreligious Celebration - World Interfaith Harmony Week Vienna - February 11th 2018: UPF Austria, the Family Federation and then Women's Federation organized an Interreligious Service commemorating the World Interfaith Harmony Week, which concluded with a World Peace Blessing. Over 200 people from various cultures, races and religions attended the event. weiter...
 | The Relevance of Religion in Peacebuilding The post-Cold War era has been a time of religious resurgence, a time when religious actors move out of the shadows. Hand in hand is an awareness that secularization, a process linked to modernization and the primacy of scientific rationality, has not led, as some anticipated, to the obsolescence of religion. Religion continues to thrive throughout most of the world, while worldviews that disregard religion, some of which have utopian aspirations, have fallen far short of their ideals. weiter...
 | Generalversammlung 2018 (Freitag, 26. Jänner 2018 18:00, Seidengasse 28, 1070 Wien)
Mitgliedschaft bei der "Föderation für Weltfrieden" Unsere Föderation ist als gemeinnütziger Verein konstituiert, der sich durch die Beiträge der Mitglieder sowie durch Spenden finanziert. Sie können Ihr Interesse an unseren Aktivitäten dadurch bekunden, dass Sie Mitglied unseres Vereins werden. weiter...
 | Be a global citizen - act with passion and compassion Vienna, 3 January 2018 - Ban Ki-moon (UN Secretary-General from 2007 - 2016) and Dr. Heinz Fischer (President of Austria from 2004 - 2016) inaugurated the "Ban Ki-Moon Centre for Global Citizens" in Vienna at the Federal Chancellery of Austria invitated by Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. weiter...
 | UPF in Austria - Activities in 2017 and Perspectives for 2018 Herzlichen Dank für Ihre Unterstützung im vergangenen Jahr. Der Vorstand der UPF-Austria wünscht Ihnen und Ihrer Familie Gesundheit, Glück und Erfolg im Jahr 2018! weiter...
 | Interreligiöse Feier zum Fest des Friedens - Weihnachten Die "Föderation für Weltfrieden - UPF Austria" lud am 17. Dezember 2017 gemeinsam mit der Familienföderation und der Frauenföderation zu einer interreligiösen Feier ein. Die musikalische Umrahmung wurde vom Vienna Peace Choir gestaltet. weiter...
 | EU-Parliament: "Radicalization and Violent Extremism: Focus on Prevention" Concluding a series of inaugural meetings of the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace in Europe in 2017, a conference was organized by the Universal Peace Federation at the European Parliament in Brussels on December 5th 2017. With the perspective that the sustainable prevention of radicalization requires joint efforts from both parliamentarians and religious leaders. weiter...
 | Musikalische Grüße von Moskau nach Wien UPF Austria lud am 19. November 2017 zu einem musikalischen Nachmittag ein, der von Elena Rozanova, einer in Wien lebenden russischen Geigerin und Olga Kiseleva, Präsidentin von "Artix-Fest", organisiert wurde. weiter...
 | Interreligious Conference Stresses Religion's Peacebuilding Role Seoul, Korea, Nov. 11-13 2017 - The Conference, a joint effort of UPF and the American Clergy Leadership Conference, focused on "The Responsibility of Religion and Faith-Based Organizations in Building Peaceful and Prosperous Societies." On Nov. 11th participants traveled to the Seoul World Cup Stadium, where the keynote speaker was UPF co-founder Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. weiter...
Global Rally for the Peaceful Reunification of the Korean Peninsula
 | Beyond Refugee Crisis and Human Trafficking, Perspectives for the Youth in the Horn of Africa with a special Focus on Eritrea Vienna, November 3rd 2017: UPF Austria in cooperation with the Permanent Mission of Eritrea at the United Nations in Vienna, the United Nation Correspondents Association and the "Horn of Africa"-Peace Initiative organized a panel discussion. weiter...
 | Seiko Lee Benefizkonzert für Syrische Flüchtlingsfamilien Am 21. Oktober 2017 fand in der Syrisch-orthodoxen Kirche am Stefan-Fadinger-Platz in Wien ein Benefizkonzert für syrische Flüchtlingsfamilien statt. Die Sopranistin Seiko Lee sang klassische Lieder wie "Ave Maria" und "O Mio babbino caro". Einen Höhepunkt des Konzerts bildeten 3 Stücke aus der Friedenskantate Halelu, komponiert und auch selbst dirigiert von Dr. David Eaton, Dirigent eines New Yorker Symphonieorchesters. weiter...
 | Peace Road Austria 2017 UPF OÖ beteiligte sich am 30. Sept. 2017 am weltweiten Projekt Peace Road mit einer Radtour vom Friedensdenkmal in St. Ulrich hinein ins Ennstal, über Ternberg bis zur Friedensbrücke vor dem Forstmuseum in Reichraming. weiter...
 | Die Schönheiten Tschechiens in 3D (Donnerstag, 12. Oktober 2017, 19:00 Uhr, Seidengasse 28, 1070 Wien) 1. Teil: Vortrag von Günther Gerlich - 3D Brillen werden zur Verfügung gestellt. 2. Teil: Präsentation des Kurortes Luhacovice, der aufgrund seiner Mineralquellen und günstigen Klimabedingungen als bedeutendster und ältester Kurort Mährens gilt. weiter...
 | Gegen Atomwaffen: Friedensnobelpreis an ICAN-Kampagne Die Internationale Kampagne für die Abschaffung von Atomwaffen (ICAN) wird mit dem Friedensnobelpreis 2017 ausgezeichnet. Die Organisation erhalte die Auszeichnung für "ihre Arbeit, Aufmerksamkeit auf die katastrophalen Konsequenzen von Atomwaffen zu lenken", gab das Nobelkomitee in Oslo bekannt. weiter...
 | Culture and Peace in the Balkans: The Role of Parliamentarians On September 23-24, 2017 the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace was launched in the Balkans in Pristina, Kosovo. The main event was held in a hall at the Kosovo Parliament Building. The conference was attended by highly respected leaders in the Balkans: former President Moisiu of Albania, former President Mesic of Croatia, former President Sejdju of Kosovo and Macedonian Speaker of the Parliament Talat Xhaferi. weiter...
 | Perspectives for Sustainable Peace in Europe: The UN Vision, the Role of Parliamentarians and Civil Society Vienna International Centre (United Nations), September 15th 2017 - The Universal Peace Federation and partnering organizations convened a conference commemorating the United Nations International Day of Peace with a special focus on researching the role, which parliamentarians are able to play in securing peace for Europe and its wider neighborhood. Parliamentarians from Italy, Ukraine and the Czech Republik as well as parliamentarians from all political parties represented in the Austrian Parliament presented their perspectives on sustainable peace in Europe. weiter...
 | Parliamentarians play important role in strengthening foundations for peace, OSCE PA President Muttonen says in Vienna at UPF Conference Increased contact between civil society actors is a powerful way to reduce tensions and promote co-operation. As parliamentarians, we can help make these contacts happen, by building bridges where others only see walls, said President Muttonen. weiter...
 | Nepal Delegation visits North Korea Kathmandu, Nepal - A high-level delegation from Nepal, which included Hon. Ek Nath Dhakal, co-chair of the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace and former cabinet minister of Nepal, visited North Korea to promote peace and friendship. weiter...
 | UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres launches Action Plan for Religious Leaders to prevent Incitement to Violence Around the world, we see how religion is being twisted and cynically manipulated, stressed the Secretary-General, speaking at the launch of an initiative to prevent atrocity crimes, which include genocide, crimes against humanity weiter...
Launch of the Global Plan of Action for Religious Leaders
 | ASMARA - City of Dreams - UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Vienna, July 15th 2017 - 150 guests attended an event with the title "ASMARA - City of Dreams" celebrating the designation of the capital of Eritrea as a World Heritage site by UNESCO. This proclamation ends a long-running quest by Eritrean authorities. The event was organized by UPF Austria together with the Permanent Mission of Eritrea at the UN in Vienna, UNCAV and the "Horn of Africa" Peace Initiative. weiter...
ASMARA - Symbol of Pride - Video-Report
 | International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace launched in Myanmar Naypyidaw, Myanmar - The Myanmar chapter of IAPP was launched on July 3, 2017, at the Hilton Hotel in Naypyidaw, the country's capital. Prior to the launching, in the morning of that day, the state counsellor and minister of foreign affairs of Myanmar, H.E. Aung San Suu Kyi, received a courtesy call from the UPF delegation. weiter...
 | Preventing Radicalization was discussed in House of Lords London, United Kingdom - The House of Lords was the setting for an important and timely discussion, organized by UPF-UK, on preventing radicalization. The event, held on June 28, 2017, was kindly hosted by the Rt. Hon. Baroness Sandip Verma. Emmanuel Dupuy, a journalist, consultant, teacher in geopolitics and researcher in geopolitical issues, offered a French perspective. weiter...
 | Inauguration of the IAPP in Israel Jerusalem, Israel - The national inauguration of the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP) was held at Israel's parliament, the Knesset, on June 21, 2017. Seven current Knesset members and one former Israeli government minister, as well as an international delegation, comprising parliamentarians from five nations, led by UPF International president, Dr. Thomas Walsh participated in the program. weiter...
 | Sarajevo, the Jerusalem of Europe - Building bridges between the Orient and Europe (Friday June 16th 2017, 18:00 (6:00 pm), Seidengasse 28 im Hof rechts, 1070 Vienna) Speaker: Univ. Prof. Mirnes ef. Kovac, Professor of the Islamic Theological University of Sarajevo, editor of PREPOROD, the Official Journal of the Islamic Community of Bosnia. weiter...
 | One - The Light Common to Everyone (Mirnes Kovac - huffingtonpost.com) First Cannes Lion(s) for Bosnia and Herzegovina! The book "One" won two bronze and one silver Lions in Cannes. The project was jointly produced by Serbian agency New Moment New Ideas Company and Y&R Dubai for Interreligious Council of Bosnia and Herzegovina. weiter...
 | Interreligious Celebration - UN International Day of Families UPF Austria, Vienna, May 14th 2017 - The UN International Day of Families was celebrated at the Vienna HQ of the Unification movement by UPF, the Womens' Federation and the Family Federation. The topic given by the United Nations for this year was "Families, education and well-being". weiter...
 | Populism, Integration & the future of Europe On May 22nd 2017 Youth UPF Austria organized a panel discussion at the University of Vienna. Continuing a series of discussions under the theme "Walls or Bridges?", the discussion reflected on the roots and meaning of populism, as well as the new challenges for integration in Europe and Austria. weiter...
 | Zeitzeugen der Aufbruchszeit nach dem 2. Weltkrieg im Gespräch mit der Jugend des 21. Jahrhunderts Die Föderation für Weltfrieden lud am 25. April 2017 zu einem Gespräch mit Dr. Walther Lichem ein. weiter...
 | UPF World Summit 2017 in South Korea Seoul, Korea - The fourth World Summit on "Peace, Security and Human Development" concluded with a new assembly of parliamentarians for peace and the return of a historic assembly of scientists. weiter...
International Parliamentarians in the Korean National Assembly
World Summit 2017 concludes with IAPP and ICUS Assemblies
 | UPF OÖ: Was verbindet die Religionen der Welt? Universal Peace Federation OÖ und die Friedensakademie Linz veranstalteten drei Abende zum Thema: Was verbindet die Religionen der Welt? Vom ehemaligen katholischen Konzilstheologen Hans Küng stammt die Idee eines "Weltethos". weiter...
 | World Interfaith Harmony Week: Toward Peace and Reconciliation in Conflict Zones - The role of Religions UPF Austria, Vienna International Centre (United Nations), January 27th 2017 - Commemorating the World Interfaith Harmony Week 2017, the Universal Peace Federation organized a conference addressing the role of religions in conflict situations, which was attended by 200 guests. It was the 5th annual celebration of this special week since 2013. weiter...
 | SUNHAK Peace Prize Dr. Gino Strada, an Italian surgeon, and Dr. Sakena Yacoobi, an Afghan women's education professor, were selected as co-recipients of the prize. The 2017 Sunhak Peace Prize Award Ceremony was held on February 3rd 2017 in Seoul, Korea, at the Jamsil, Lotte Hotel World. Over 800 people from more than 100 countries around the world were in attendance, including current and former parliamentarians. weiter...
 | Südsudan - der jüngste Staat Afrikas (Dienstag, 10. Januar 2017, 19:00 Uhr, Seidengasse 28 im Hof rechts, 1070 Wien) Die Republik Südsudan erlangte am 9. Juli 2011 die Unabhängigkeit vom Sudan. Zuvor war das Gebiet von 1972 bis 1983 und erneut von 2005 bis 2011 eine autonome Region innerhalb des Sudans. weiter...
 | Syria: Opening Lines of Communication and Soft Power Approaches to Peace Larnaca, Cyprus - UPF convened a conference seeking solutions for Syria in Cyprus from December 17 to 19, 2016. Amidst the background of global despair and disbelief at the wholesale destruction that heralded the fall of Aleppo in Syria, UPF set modest goals for the conference, aware that doing the alternative would raise false hopes and effectively diminish the sense that anything can be done. weiter...
 | Search for Balkan Consensus at Sarajevo Conference Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina - Consensus and cooperation in the Balkan region were the focus of a conference held on December 15, 2016. The conference, held at the Hotel Holiday, was organized by UPF in partnership with the International Institute for Middle East and Balkans Studies, and the Association for B&H-Asia Cooperation, Understanding and Sophistication. weiter...
 | Walls or Bridges? (Dienstag, 6. Dezember 2016 19:00 - 21:00 Uhr, Lassingleitnerplatz 2/3, 1020 Wien) Youth UPF Austria invites you to our discussion on the topic of migration, from an individual perspective to a global one. In order to provide you a time and space to gather information and reflect on this pertinent issue, we offer the two following panels: Storytelling - My Journey, My Vision & New Trends in Global Politics: Migration and the Rise of Populism. weiter...
 | Ambassadors for Peace-Konferenz mit Adventfeier (Donnerstag, 8. Dezember 2016 ab 14:00 Uhr, Seidengasse 28, 1070 Wien) Berichte über Aktivitäten im Jahr 2016, Ausblick auf 2017, Adventfeier, Nationaler Friedensrat der Ambassadors for Peace. weiter...
 | Eine musikalische Reise von Moskau nach Wien Galakonzert mit Künstlern und Künstlerinnen aus Moskau am 13. November 2016: Romanzen - klassische und moderne Musik aus Russland - Musik aus Wien. weiter...
 | Interreligiöse Feier - Weltfriedenstag der UNO Die Föderation für Weltfrieden lud am 25. September 2016 gemeinsam mit der Familienföderation und der Frauenföderation zu einer Interreligiösen Feier amlässlich des Weltfriedenstags der UNO ein. Das Thema für 2016 lautet "The Sustainable Development Goals: Building Blocks for Peace." weiter...
 | Parliamentarians for Peace Launched in London London, United Kingdom - The third of a series of regional conferences launching the International Association of Parliamentarians for Peace (IAPP) was held from September 7-9, 2016. With the theme "Interregional Dialogue Addressing Critical Challenges: Europe, Eurasia, the Middle East and North Africa" the International Leadership Conference organized by UPF represented the official launch of IAPP in these three regions. weiter...
 | Peace and Sustainable Development: Intergenerational Challenges In honor of the UN's International Day of Peace, an innovative event was held in the Vienna International Centre - United Nations on September 16, 2016: a look at the intergenerational challenges of peace through the lens of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). weiter...
Hip Hop for Peace and SDGs
 | Ursachen der Konflikte, Flüchtlingselend und Friedensperspektiven in Syrien und im Nahen Osten Die Föderation für Weltfrieden lud am 16. August 2016 zu einem Informationsabend ein. Vortragende waren Thomas Schellen, Journalist, Editor-at-large für das Executive-Magazine und Hermine Schellen, Generalsekretärin der UPF im Libanon. weiter...
 | Swiss "Peace Road" Honors Peace Cyclist Geneva, Switzerland - The 2016 Peace Road urged the UN to open an office in Korea and honored the memory of a well-known peace bicyclist. Several separate groups of participants supported the 2016 event, which was organized jointly by the Swiss chapters of UPF and Family Federation for World Peace and Unification, an affiliated organization. weiter...
 | UPF im Wiener Rathaus als erfolgreicher Kongressveranstalter geehrt UPF Austria wurde für die im Jahr 2015 veranstalteten bzw. mitveranstalteten Konferenzen wieder als erfolgreicher Kongressveranstalter geehrt. Peter Haider und Elisabeth Cook nahmen mit 350 weiteren Kongressveranstaltern am 11. Mai 2016 in den Festsaal des Wiener Rathauses an einem Festbankett teil. weiter...
 | Sudan - das Land, wo Weißer und Blauer Nil zusammenfließen Die Föderation für Weltfrieden (UPF-Austria) lud am 3. Juni 2016 im Rahmen des Projekts "Horn of Afrika"-Friedensinitiative zu einem Informationsabend über den Sudan und andere Länder am Horn von Afrika ein. weiter...
 | Spiritualität und Familie - Basis für eine nachhaltige Zukunft UPF-Austria veranstaltete von 28. - 29. Mai 2016 in der "Villa Riehl" in Seebenstein gemeinsam mit der Familienföderation für Weltfrieden und der österreichischen Frauenföderation zum Internationalen Tag der Familien ein 2-tägiges Symposium. weiter...
 | Musikalische Frühlingsgrüße - von der Wolga an die Donau Künstler aus Moskau gestalteten am 17. April 2016 einen musikalischen Nachmittag mit russischen Romanzen, Volksliedern und bekannten Opernmelodien. weiter...
 | Toward Peace and Reconciliation in Syria and the Middle East - The Role of Religions Vienna, February 5th 2016 - In the Vienna International Center (United Nations), 250 guests attended the World Interfaith Harmony Week conference on the theme "Toward Peace and Reconciliation in Syria and the Middle East - The Role of Religions". weiter...
Video 1. Session
Video 2. Session
 | Religion and the Sustainable Development Goals
Indonesia: A Model of Moderate Islam
The Role of Religious Studies in Peacemaking
 | Consultations on the Crisis in Syria Since 2012 the Universal Peace Federation has convened or contributed to a number of civil-society forums on the crisis in Syria. weiter...
 | Middle East Peace Programs The Middle East Peace Initiative has been promoting peace since 2003 through dialogue, people-to-people diplomacy, fact-finding trips, interfaith pilgrimages and conferences. It brings religious leaders, parliamentarians, academicians, women leaders, youth and civil society representatives together in Israel, Palestinian Territories and Jordan. Forums explore Track II approaches to the crisis in Syria. weiter...
 | Informations- und Kulturabend über Eritrea Die Föderation für Weltfrieden lud am 23. Januar 2016 gemeinsam mit der Permanent Mission of Eritrea to the UN in Vienna und UNCAV zu einem Informations- und Kulturabend über Eritrea ein. weiter...
 | Toward Resolving the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Jerusalem, Israel - From December 1 to 3, 2015 UPF held a Middle East Peace Initiative program at the Jerusalem Dan Hotel. Interfaith leaders, parliamentarians, scholars and civil society leaders from the U.S., Europe and Israel gathered for the three-day conference to consider and formulate prospects for peace in the region. weiter...
 | Balkans: Mutual Understanding and Cooperation for Peace, Security and Human Development About 130 participants attended the event, which took place on November 21 and 22, 2015 in the Tirana International Hotel. Speakers came from 12 nations, including seven Balkan countries: Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Greece. weiter...
 | Impressionen von einer Reise nach Brasilien (Freitag 11. Dezember 2015 ab 18:00 Uhr, Seidengasse 28, 1070 Wien) Kultureller Abend - Reisebericht: Peter und Dominique Haider - Musik: Ita Moreno - Buffet mit brasilianischen Spezialitäten. weiter...
 | Europe-Eurasia Dialogue: Building Trust and Securing Cooperation for Sustainable Development (Vienna - Austria, October 30th and 31st 2015 at the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, Favoritenstrasse 15a, 1040 Vienna) The event is the fifth in a series of Europe-Eurasia leadership conferences aiming at developing partnership and cooperation between the two regions, in place of the friction and at times, open antagonism that has been marking their history, and in light of their critical role for world peace in the 21st century. weiter...
 | 40th Anniversary Celebration organized by UPF-Brazil Sao Paulo, Brazil: UPF-Brazil organized an event to celebrate the 40th annivesary of the Unification Movement in Brazil on November 21, 2015 at the Sorocaba Convention Center. Among the more than 200 attendees were the vice president of the legislative assembly of Sao Paulo state and a Brazilian Olympic gold medalist. weiter...
 | 10 Years ago: Lincoln Center Address Launches Universal Peace Federation Can everlasting world peace take root, or are we doomed to repeat the 20th century's dark and oppressive history of war and conflict?" weiter...
UPF feierte 10. Geburtstag in Seebenstein
 | Prescriptions for Peace Offered at World Summit Seoul, Korea - More than 200 delegates attended the 3rd World Summit on "Peace, Security and Human Development" held at the InterContinental Hotel August 27-29, 2015. weiter...
World Summit - Religion's Role in Peacebuilding - Europe and Middle East - Attention to Asia-Pacific
 | First Sunhak Peace Prize Is Awarded in Seoul Seoul, Korea - The first Sunhak Peace Prize was awarded to Kiribati President Anote Tong and fisheries scientist Dr. M. Vijay Gupta on August 28, 2015. More than one thousand dignitaries, including current and former presidents and other leaders of parliament, academia, business, media and religion from Korea and around the world attended the Ceremony. weiter...
 | UPF Celebrates 1st International Day of Yoga New York, USA - June 21, UPF International celebrated International Day of Yoga at New York's Lincoln Center as a co-sponsor of a program organized by the Global Citizen Forum, founded by Dr. B. K. Modi. The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations was also a co-sponsor, and was represented by the High Representative, H.E. Mr. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser. weiter...
 | The UN at 70: Toward a Resolution of Tensions on the Korean Peninsula Vienna International Center (UN Building), Monday, May 11th 2015, 13:00-17:00. Alongside this year's celebrations marking the 70th anniversary of the end of World War 2, two other significant milestones are the 70 years that have elapsed both since the founding of the United Nations and since Korean independence. weiter...
 | The Little Angels Children's Folk Ballet of Korea in Vienna The group's dances are based on Korean legends and regional dances and its costumes on traditional Korean styles. Choral singing by the troupe in many languages is also featured. weiter...
The Best of Little Angels from Korea
May 2015: Vienna - Fankfurt - London
The Little Angels - Drum Dance
 | 25 Years Horn of Africa News Agency (Friday, 24th April 2015, 12:00 to 13:30, Vienna International Center, Rotunda) Introduction and African music in the Rotunda of the VIC in coordination with the UNIS, AWETHU and UNCAV.The Horn of Africa News Agency (HORNA) has the pleasure to invite you to its 25 years anniversary celebrations. weiter...
Online Registration
 | The Relevance of Interreligious Dialogue to Sustainable Development New York, USA - "Both UPF and the UN Alliance of Civilizations share the belief that the promotion of intercultural and interfaith dialogue is the path for people and nations to live in peace and security" stated H.E. Mr. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser. weiter...
UNAOC: H.E. Mr. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser on the Relevance of Inter-religious and Inter-civilizational Dialogue In September, leaders will converge for the United Nations special summit to adopt the Post-2015 development agenda. We gather here today to affirm the importance of interfaith dialogue as bedrock of sustainable development. weiter...
 | The Imperative of an EU-Russia strategic reset Vienna, Austria - 120 people gathered on February 26, 2015 to attend the panel discussion "The Imperative of an EU-Russia strategic reset" organized by UPF Austria in cooperation with the International Institute for Middle East and Balkan Studies. Panel: H.E. Anwar S. Azimov, Moscow, former Russian ambassador to the OSCE HQ Vienna and the RF's Delegation Head, the EU - Russia Strategic Dialogue and Dr. Walter Schwimmer, former Secretary General of the Council of Europe. weiter...
 | UPF Signs Working Agreement with U.N. Group New York - UPF has signed a working agreement with the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC), a group founded 10 years ago to promote dialogue between the Western and Islamic worlds. weiter...
 | The Importance of Interfaith Cooperation for Securing Peace in the 21st Century (February 6th 2015, 13:00-18:00, Vienna International Center, C-Building Room C1) The UN designated the first week of February every year as World Interfaith Harmony Week. UPF celebrates this week each year, in a way that encourages understanding, respect, and cooperation among people of all faiths. weiter...
 | Jerusalem and the Holy Sites: A Call for Peace at a Time of Crisis Conference in Jerusalem, January 11-13 2015: Topics in cluded "The Temple Mount and Jerusalem - Spiritual, Religious and Moral Aspects, Jerusalem and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict - Soft-Power Solutions, Jerusalem and the Holy Sites - Political, Regional and International Aspects". weiter...
 | Mein Leben für den Weltfrieden (Kando Verlag) Erste deutschsprachige Auflage der Autobiografie von Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon. "Moon hat sich auf der globalen Bühne als großer Friedenstifter etabliert. Als führender Kopf im interreligiösen Dialog trägt er zur Verständigung zwischen Menschen unterschiedlichster Provenienz bei und damit zum Frieden und zur Sicherheit in der Welt", Alexander Haig. weiter...
Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon - 1920-2012
 | Moldova: Eurasia-Europe Dialogue for Peace Chisinau, Moldova - The conference "Eurasia-Europe Dialogue for Peace" took place Dec. 5-7, 2014 in the capital city of Moldova. Before an audience of 120 participants, the conference was opened by the First Lady of Moldova Mrs. Margareta Timofti, she was followed by distinguished guest speakers from Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Moldova, Netherlands, Russia and Ukraine. weiter...
 | Activities and Perspectives of UPF International UPF Austria organized on Dec 7th 2014 a special event with the president of UPF International Dr. Thomas Walsh, who was on a short visit to Vienna after attending a conference in Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, on "Eurasia & Europe: Dialogue for Peace". weiter...
 | Afghanistan - a Country in Transformation: Promoting Peace and Development through Art The Permanent Mission of Afghanistan in Vienna, ACUNS Vienna Liaison Office and UNODC organized a colloquium: "Afghanistan - a Country in Transformation: Promoting Peace and Development through Art" on 2 December 2014 in the Vienna International Center. There the Ambassador for Peace Award was granted by UPF to the best known Afghan singer and UN Goodwill Ambassador Farhad Darya, who was the keynote speaker of the event. weiter...
 | Forum in Geneva on De-escalation in the Korean Peninsula and East Asia Geneva, Switzerland - UPF organized this forum at the Palais des Nations (UN headquarters) in Geneva on Oct. 31, 2014. Among the topics discussed was a proposal by South Korea to build a large regional UN complex inside the demilitarized zone that divides North and South Korea. weiter...
 | Eine musikalische Reise: Wien-Lemberg-Kiew-Moskau-St.Petersburg Das Ensemble RONDO DANUBE VIENNA gestaltete am 23. November 2014 einen Abend mit Musik von Johann Strauss bis Tschaikowski. Dazu gab es Gesangs- und Balletteinlagen. weiter...
 | Global Citizenship & My Faith On October 14th Youth UPF in Vienna came together to discuss about the role of religions in a pluralistic Europe and a globalized world. Inputs to the discussion about the topic Global Citizenship & My Faith were given from young religious representatives. weiter...
 | Indonesia University Hosts International Youth Convention Medan, Indonesia - In the early morning of Oct. 8 2014, more than 3,000 students lined up to enter the main auditorium of the University of North Sumatra for the International Youth Convention on the theme "Young People of Character-The Hope of the Future" co-hosted by UPF-Indonesia and USU. weiter...
 | Dialogue & Alliance Interfaith Journal It promotes conversation and understanding among people of faith for the sake of peace. Now in its 26th year, it is published twice a year. weiter...
 | ATOMIC BOMB AWARENESS DAY - GENBAKU-NO-HI 8.8. (August 8th 2014, UN Vienna International Centre) Mrs. Yuko Gulda in cooperation with UPF, ACUNS and the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs Vienna organized the 2014 GENBAKU-NO-HI celebration. weiter...
 | Angels of Peace - Kindertanzgruppe aus Moskau Die "Angels for Peace" präsentierten russische Volkstänze und Lieder. 100 Jahre nach dem Ausbruch des ersten Weltkrieges brachten Schulkinder eine Botschaft der Versöhnung. weiter...
 | Friedensmuseum in der Wiener Blutgasse In Wien werden die Passanten, die durch die sinnige Blutgasse hinter dem Stephansdom gehen, in Zukunft von vergrösserten Bertha-von-Suttner-Bildern in Fenstern begleitet. Sogenannte "Fenster für den Frieden". Dieser neu gestaltete Innenstadt-Abschnitt ist Teil des "Friedensweges" und des Wiener Friedensmuseums. weiter...
The Best of the World: Peace Museum opening in Vienna
Die gebeugte Bertha: Suttners Ende in Wien Die Waffen nieder! machte sie über Nacht berühmt, sie begeisterte Karl May, Tolstoi und Johann Strauss. Aber Bertha von Suttner starb verzweifelt und verhöhnt, genau eine Woche vor dem Attentat in Sarajevo. weiter...
 | From Conflict to Dialogue on the Korean Peninsula Vladivostok, Russia - An international conference on "Towards a road map for peace and development in Northeast Asia: From conflict to dialogue on the Korean Peninsula" took place on May 30, 2014 in Vladivostok. The event was attended by 100 experts from Russia, the US, South Korea, China and Japan who discussed issues of security and cooperation in the Northeast Asia. weiter...
 | Families Matter for the Achievement of Development Goals UPF-Austria, Vienna - In commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the International Year of the Family UPF-Austria hosted a conference in Vienna on May 17th 2014. "Strong, well-functioning families can help reduce poverty, improve the wellbeing of mothers, promote gender equality and uphold human rights." weiter...
 | The History of European Integration and Its Relevance to Japan and East Asia Tokyo, Japan - UPF-Japan organized a series of programs April 3-5, 2014 dedicated to the theme, "Peacemaking Processes in Europe: Proposals for East Asia." The featured speaker was Dr. Walter Schwimmer, the former Secretary General of the Council of Europe, and author of "The European Dream". weiter...
 | Dialogue between Europe, Russia and Eurasian countries UPF has started several initiatives and organized conferences on this topic like the Baltic Dialogue Initiative and the South Caucasus Peace Initiative. A conference in 2012 in Vienna had as theme "Europe and Russia - Partners in a globalized World". weiter...
 | Ernst Florian Winter: Leiser Abschied eines Weltbürgers Ernst Florian Winter ist tot. Er heiratete eine Tochter aus der weltberühmten Trapp-Familie und war als Diplomat in 83 Staaten tätig. weiter...
1945 als erster (österreichischer) US-Soldat im Innviertel
Ernst Florian Winter im Gespräch
 | The Role of Religions in promoting a Culture of Peace UPF organized a conference celebrating the World Interfaith Harmony Week in Vienna on Friday, February 7th 2014 in the Vienna International Center (UN). weiter...
World Interfaith Harmony Week
 | Toward Peace and Reconciliation in Syria: Religion and Civil Society Geneva, Switzerland - UPF convened a special program entitled "Geneva: Track II" in Geneva, Switzerland on Jan. 23-25, 2014, concurrent with the "Geneva II" inter-governmental conference that aims to bring about a peaceful resolution of the crisis in Syria. weiter...
 | Pontifical Academy on "Syria: Can we Remain Indifferent?" Vatican City - UPF's president Dr. Thomas G. Walsh was invited to attend and to offer support to the great work of the Vatican, under His Holiness Pope Francis, in bringing an end to the violence in Syria. weiter...
The Pontifical Acadamy of Sciences on Syria
 | Prospects for Dialogue and Reconciliation in Syria Amman, Jordan - The world is painfully aware of the horrific suffering in Syria and yet unable to find a way to end it. A UPF conference from 11.-13. Oct. 2013 was originally called as a small consultation, designed to facilitate in-depth discussion, but it quickly doubled in size. weiter...
Amman Interfaith Declaration on Peace in Syria
 | Peace Day: Nobel Prize laureate Rigoberta Menchu in Vienna On the occasion of the UN International Day of Peace, UPF-Austria in cooperation with the ACUNS and Art of Reconciliation organized a conference with Nobel Price Laureate Mrs. Rigoberta Menchu at the UN in Vienna on September 20th 2013. The event was supported by UNIS Vienna and the Embassy of Guatemala. weiter...
Rigoberta Menchu, Peace Nobel Price 1992
 | UPF Celebrates Pan-Africanism and Africa's Rising New York, USA - Africa Day 2013 marked the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Organization of African Unity. A New York 50th Anniversary Gala Celebration for Africa Day was held in then Manhattan Centre. weiter...
 | CarnaViena 2013 in the Vienna UN: Culture and Creative Economy as basic elements for Sustainability (Friday July 5th 2013, Vienna International Center) UPF Austria in cooperation with ACUNS Vienna and the Best of the World Network organized a conference as part of the cultural event "CarnaVienna 2013" by ABRASA, an Afro-Brazilian Cultural Point in Vienna. weiter...
 | Interfaith Pilgrims Gather in Jerusalem for Peace Jerusalem - Faith leaders from diverse traditions descended on the Holy City of Jerusalem on May 14, 2013 as part of the Middle East Peace Initiative. weiter...
A Religious Model in Action: Middle East Peace Initiative
 | Culture of War/Culture of Peace There are many histories of war, but since the dialectic concept of culture of war/culture of peace is a new concept, this is the first time that anyone has attempted to write a history of the culture of war. weiter...
 | 5th Global Forum - UN Alliance of Civilizations (Vienna 27/28 February 2013) The Global Forum brings together decision-makers, experts, and a variety of stakeholders in the field of intercultural and interreligious dialogue from all over the world. At a time of dizzying change on a global scale, the Vienna Forum will focus on the promotion of Responsible Leadership in Diversity and Dialogue. weiter...
 | Interfaith Harmony Week 2013: Conference in the UN 150 people gathererd on February 8th 2013 at the Vienna International Center (UN Headquarters in Vienna) to commemorate the World Interfaith Harmony week 2013. The half-day conference entitled "Cooperation among Religions for a Culture of Peace" was hosted by the Austrian Chapter of the Universal Peace Federation (UPF) and other organizations. weiter...
UN Secretary-General's message
 | Dialogue & Alliance: Religion and Peace in the Middle East (Dialogue & Alliance - A Journal of the Universal Peace Federation, Vol. 26, No. 2, Winter 2012) Interfaith, Multi-Track Diplomacy and Peace, Religion as an Obstacle to Peace? The Arab Spring: Myth or Reality? The UN and the Arab-Israeli Conflict, No Future Without Forgiveness. weiter...
 | Culture as basic element for sustainability and human rights (Vienna International Center - UN building) Conference of the Universal Peace Federation in cooperation with ACUNS Vienna and IDEA Society initiated by ABRASA, an Austro-Brazilian NGO. weiter...
 | Geneva hosted Conference on the Family (July 5-6 2012) Geneva, Switzerland - UPF-Europe, the Women's Federation for World Peace, the Fribourg Peace Forum and the GIIA organized a conference on the stimulating theme "The Contribution of Families to Peace, Human Development and Prosperity." weiter...
 | UPF: "Erfolgreicher Kongressveranstalter 2011 in Wien" Mehr als 300 VeranstalterInnen, die 2011 einen internationalen Kongress nach Wien gebracht haben, wurden am 9. Mai 2012 zu einem Empfang mit festlichem Abendessen in den Festsaal des Wiener Rathauses eingeladen und für ihren Einsatz als "Erfolgreicher Kongressveranstalter 2011 in Wien" ausgezeichnet. weiter...
 | A New Vision for Peace and Human Development Paris, France - UPF's first European Leadership Conference of 2012 took place at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris April 12-13 under the patronage of the Permanent Delegations of the Sultanate of Oman and the Republic of Kenya to UNESCO. weiter...
 | Conference in Vienna on Interreligious Dialogue Vienna, Austria - Two young musicians greeted the audience with the language of music, which can be understood beyond culture and nationality, as they arrived for a conference on "Interreligious Dialogue: The Role of the United Nations and Peace in the 21st Century." weiter...
 | Europe, Africa and the Culture of Peace (Malta, November 7th 2011 - Conference Report) Over the decades since the end of European colonisation, the relationship between Europe and Africa has inevitably undergone many changes. A new drive for self reliance has shown a desire to resolve the unfortunate aspects of their colonial legacy. weiter...
 | Geneva Conference on Multiculturalism and Peace In recent months Angela Merkel, David Cameron and Nicolas Sarcoczy all referred to multiculturalism's failure to deliver cohesive communities with a core of shared values. Cameron stated: "We have failed to provide a vision of society to which they feel they want to belong." weiter...
 | Culture of Peace: Scientific Approach (culture-of-peace.info) This website provides the key research and action papers from David Adams, the director of the United Nations International Year for the Culture of Peace (2000), and from the Global Movement for a Culture of Peace called for by the UN Resolution for a Culture of Peace. weiter...
 | Communicating Change: Youth Perspectives on Peace Intergenerational Cooperation brings inspiration to the UN in Vienna: Pictures and reports on the ELC (July 1st-3rd 2011). weiter...
European Leadership Conference, Wien
 | Nigeria's New Hope for Peace Abuja, Nigeria - The International Conference Center in Abuja, Nigeria, has hosted many prestigious events in the twenty years since the new federal capital was founded in 1991, but the eleventh stop on the UPF Founder's Peace Tour 2011 on July 17 was surely one of the most memorable. weiter...
 | Buchtipp: Kultur des Friedens - Bilanz und Perspektive (friedensnews.at) Mit dem Buch "Culture of Peace. A Concept and a Campaign Revisited" liegt nun eine erste Bilanz des UN-Projekts Friedenskultur vor. Zu Wort kommen die Architekten des Programms wie Federico Mayor Zaragoza, sowie ExpertInnen aus vier Kontinenten. weiter...
 | Interfaith, the United Nations and Peace in the 21st Century (Vienna, Dec. 8th 2010) Consultation on an "Interreligious Council" as an organ of the United Nations, introduced by Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon in a speech delivered in New York in August 2000, when its establishment at the UN was proposed for the first time. weiter...
 | Africa reshaping Global Agenda: Africa Day Speaking at the New York City celebration of Africa Day, May 25, 2010 hosted by the African Union and the United Nations African Ambassadors' Spouses Group (UNAASG), in partnership with the Universal Peace Federation, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that peace and sustainable development in Africa was one of the world body's priorities. weiter...
 | World Peace Blessing in Wien (21. Februar 2010, Radisson SAS Hotel, 1010 Wien) Programm: "World Peace Blessing" - Zeremonie, gemeinsames festliches Abendessen, musikalischer Abschluss. weiter...
 | Global Citizen of Peace Celebrations of publication of Rev. Sun Myung Moon's best-selling autobiography "As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen" continue to take place around the world. More than 1500 political, media, and community leaders gathered in Washington DC on October 1st. weiter...
 | Reconciliation: NGO conference at the UN in Vienna Three hundred participants representing more than 40 NGOs and leaders from civil society gathered in one of the biggest NGO meetings ever held in the United Nations building in Vienna in the UNIDO board room to attend the Austrian event of the Global Peace Tour 2009. weiter...
Global Peace Festivals
 | London Peace Festival opens in the House of Commons The London Global Peace Festival began with a plenary discussion on the topic "New Paradigm in a Time of Global Crisis." Rev. Marcus Braybooke, President of the World Congress of Faiths: "We must address the moral vacuum at the center of our society, and we need leaders whose humility is reflected in their public and private life." weiter...
 | Mongol Costumes - Fashion Show The Universal Peace Federation in Austria hosted Mongol Costumes presenting one of their three shows of national cultural garments as ambassadors for their culture while the Convention of World Mongolians was held in Vienna. weiter...
 | Building Bridges to Bethlehem 13 palästinensische Jugendliche aus Bethlehem verbrachten auf Einladung der Initiative 'Building Bridges to Bethlehem' die ersten zwei Juliwochen in Österreich. weiter...
 | Bericht: Gründungsfeier der Universal Peace Federation Mehr als 3000 Euro wurden bei Benefizveranstaltung für Baby Hospital in Bethlehem gesammelt. Der "Vienna Peace Choir" sorgte für musikalische Umrahmung, Bericht über Weihnachten in Bethlehem, Vortrag: "Gottes ideale Familie - Modell für den Weltfrieden". weiter...
 | Der Ort der Religion im säkularen Europa (iwm.at) Jose Casanova weiter...
 | Universal Peace Federation - Founders (September) The UPF and the Peace Councils, which have grown out of the global community of Ambassadors for Peace, are poised to make a significant contribution to peace. weiter...
 | Gründungsversammlung des Interreligious and International Peace Council - Inauguration in Austria The IIPC was founded on October 3rd 2003 in New York City where 304 delegates, including 52 guests from the United Nations-all together representing 149 nations-attended the 4-day Inaugural Assembly. weiter...
Bericht von Heinrich Krcek
 | Towards an Interreligious Council in the Unites Nations (Vienna, Conference, 31.8.2003) Against the background of growing regional conflict zones and the worldwide threat of terrorist activities, IIFWP calls for political and religious figures to come together to work for common solutions for the world's most urgent problems. weiter...